Author's posts
Apr 07
ஃபிஹ்க் (FIQH)
Apr 07
Apr 04
Apr 01
தஜ்வீத் (Tajweed in Tamil)
தஜ்வீத் பகுதி-01 (Tajweed in Tamil) தஜ்வீத் பகுதி-02 (Tajweed in Tamil) தஜ்வீத் பகுதி-03 (Tajweed in Tamil) தஜ்வீத் பகுதி-04 (Tajweed in Tamil) தஜ்வீத் பகுதி-05 (Tajweed in Tamil) தஜ்வீத் பகுதி-06 (Tajweed in Tamil) தஜ்வீத் பகுதி-07 (Tajweed in Tamil) தஜ்வீத் பகுதி-08 (Tajweed in Tamil) தஜ்வீத் பகுதி-09 (Tajweed in Tamil) தஜ்வீத் …
Sep 10
Share a Message : Importance of Time
Both the Quran and the traditions of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) make it clear that Islam considers time to a very valuable resource. Believers are encouraged to be conscious of time, to recognize its importance and to organize it wisely. If human beings do not waste or abuse time, but rather think of …
May 31
Share a Message : About Reconciliation
Ibn Abbas reported: Concerning the verse, “Fear Allah and set things right between you,” (8:1) he said, “This is an injunction from Allah to the believers that they should fear Allah and reconcile between themselves.”[Al-Bukhari, Al-Adab Al-Mufrad, Number 392, Sahih]
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